Camp Olympia at Home: How to Play Pencil Snatch and Tower Down!

We’re sharing some of our favorite Camp activities that you can do at home with your families while practicing social distancing. Today we show you two games to play inside, Pencil Snatch and Tower Down!


Where you can play: Anywhere! This is a great game for rainy days that keep you inside.

What you need to play: Seven (unsharpened!) pencils per player. Make it a challenge by playing with more!

How many people can play: As many as you want! This can even be a solo game by trying to beat your best time!

How to set up the game: Place your seven pencils on a table or surface with the first three spaced out, and two pairs of two pencils (they should look like this: |  |  |  ||  || )

Game instructions: Pick up the first pencil and balance it on the back of your hand, toss it up in the air, and catch it! Repeat the process for the rest of your pencils, using the pencils you’ve already snatched so that the number of pencils you balance on your hand, toss, and snatch increases with each pickup. When you get to a pair of pencils, pick them up together! Repeat until you’ve snatched all of your pencils.  

How to win: Successfully snatch all of your pencils before your opponent(s) or snatch the most pencils in one minute!


Where you can play: Anywhere! This is a great game for rainy days that keep you inside.

What you need to play: A sheet of paper (preferably cardstock) cut into four squares and four plastic or styrofoam cups. Make it a challenge by increasing from four!

How many people can play: As many as you want! This can even be a solo game by trying to build the highest tower.

How to set up the game: Place a cup face down on the table, then place a piece of paper on top, and place another cup face down on top of that to create a tower. Repeat to make your tower taller as you play until you’ve used all four cups and papers!

Game instructions: Try to remove the piece of paper as quickly as possible so that the top cup slides onto the bottom cup and creates a stack. If it falls, rebuild the tower and keep trying until they stack! If it stacks, rebuild the tower even taller with another piece of paper and cup and repeat!    

How to win: Successfully stack the tallest tower (four cups and pieces of paper — or more if you make it a challenge) before your opponent.

Watch the Video: